East Court play park to remain closed

2 July 2020

Please note: this news article is in our archive. Articles were correct at time of publication, but should not be relied on for accuracy after the passage of time.

Although the Government has announced that play parks can open from Saturday 4th,  it is only where the owners can comply with necessary safety measures and the Town Council is not able to do this yet. We are working on this and seeking advice, once we can open we will but please bear with us.  the following advice has been issued:

  • Children and parents must not interfere with closure measures where a playground remains closed. If it is closed then this will be for a good reason. Do not endanger yourself by breaching closure measures. Wait until the playground has been opened properly.

Once open:

  •  Maintain social distancing within the playground, according to the government’s latest advice and the signage or instruction in the playground.
  • If the playground is too busy then find another playground in which to play.
  • Wash your hands before entering the playground and after you have finished. Use hand sanitiser often.

We don’t know if Mid Sussex District Council are able to open their playparks yet either,  so please just wait a few more days so that you can safely use the parks,  please obey signage which is for your and your family’s safety.