Outside Groups
The Town Council is actively represented on a wide range of outside organisations.
- East Grinstead Town Twinning Association: Cllr Visser
- Mid Sussex District Association of Parish Councils: Cllrs Godwin and Whittaker
- Age UK East Grinstead and District: Cllr Hughes
- Friends of East Grinstead Museum: Cllr Mockford
- East Grinstead Music and Arts Festival: Cllr Gibbs
- Disability Access Group (East Grinstead and area): Cllr Barnett
- East Grinstead Society: Cllr Visser
- East Grinstead Business Association Exec committee: Cllr Whittaker
- East Grinstead Fairtrade Town Steering Group: Cllr Scott
- Mid Sussex Association of Town Councils: Town Mayor, Leader of the Majority Group, Leader of the Minority Group and one other (Town Mayor, Cllrs Farren, Barnett and Whittaker)
- Grenestede Talking News for the Blind: Cllr Peacock
- Felbridge Beef and Faggott Trust: Cllr M Belsey
- SANG Steering Group (MSDC): Cllr Godwin & Reeves
- East Grinstead Sport Council: Cllrs J Belsey & Whittaker
- East Grinstead Food Bank: Cllr Peacock
- Community Rail Partnership: Cllr Pond
- Chequer Mead Arts & Community Trust: Cllr Barnett, Cllr Farren, Cllr Hughes and Cllr Mockford