Bins, Litter & Fly-tipping

Litter can be anything from a small crisp packet or cigarette butts to large bags of rubbish. It’s unsightly and can cause environmental problems.

Anyone caught dropping litter can be fined under Section 87 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 – Offence of Leaving Litter You can be fined up to £80 for dropping a cigarette butt in a public place.

Litter Bins

The majority of litter bins in the town are provided by East Grinstead Town Council.

Litter bins are provided for pedestrian litter only and should not be used for disposing of household or commercial waste. All of our litter bins are dual purpose and can be used to dispose of bagged dog waste.

We have a limited budget for the replacement and maintenance of litter/waste bins, but we aim to ensure all of the bins are in a good condition and replace where necessary.

Report a full litter bin

Full litter bins can be reported to Mid Sussex District Council using the online full litter bin reporting form.

Residential Bins

Find out when your bins will be collected and report missed collections on the Mid Sussex District council website.


Mid Sussex District Council are responsible for keeping public highways, verges and council owned land clean. They are not responsible for emptying litter bins provided on private land or by private businesses.

Street Sweeping

If you find a street which needs cleaning please report it to Mid Sussex District Council using the online street sweeping request form.

Dog Waste

If you find a dog bin which has not been emptied then please note the number painted on it before contacting Mid Sussex District Council using the online report a Missed or Full Dog Bin form.


Fly-tipping is the illegal dumping of waste

Dumped materials can be anything between a single bin-bag of rubbish to large quantities of waste emptied by trucks.

Fly-tipping can be reported to Mid Sussex District Council using the online fly-tipping reporting form.