Environmental and Sustainable Travel

This committee was formed in 2023 and is responsible for the direction of environmental and sustainable travel projects. It has the responsibility of suggesting funding streams to assist the Council with their environmental plan and to reduce the carbon footprint of the council.

The committee will suggest observations regarding new developments and safe and active travel to the planning committee and will suggest inclusions/revisions for the review of the neighbourhood plan and will look at the connectivity around the town working alongside WSCC and MSDC specifically with the LCWIP (Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan) in order to reduce congestion, air pollution and carbon emissions and improve safety in the East Grinstead parish.

Agendas, minutes and reports for meetings of the Environmental and Sustainable Travel committee can be found below.

The Terms of Reference of the Environmental and Sustainable Travel Sub-committee are available here, in the agenda of the inaugural meeting on Wednesday, 19th July 2023.

Agendas and reports

Agenda - 9th January 2025


There are no documents for this section


Recordings of virtual meetings can be found on our YouTube channel.


To browse agendas, minutes and reports from previous years, please select a year and click Submit.