Impact of District Plan on East Grinstead Neighbourhood Plan

24 April 2018

Please note: this news article is in our archive. Articles were correct at time of publication, but should not be relied on for accuracy after the passage of time.

The attached has been advised on 21st April 2018 and therefore will be considered by the East Grinstead Town Council Planning Committee on 16th May 2018

“As you are aware following the adoption of the District Plan the Council’s approach to development management has changed. Planning applications need to be considered in the light of the District Plan which also has potential implications on Neighbourhood Plans.

Legislation requires that planning applications must be determined in accordance with the development plan and in Mid Sussex the development plan is now made up of both the adopted District Plan and made Neighbourhood Plans. Where there is a conflict between the policies in these Plans it is the most recently adopted plan that takes a precedence. Currently this is the District Plan.

I am writing to inform you that Policy EG5 (Housing) of the EGNP is no longer in general conformity with the District Plan and Policies DP6 (Settlement Hierarchy), DP12 (Protection and Enhancement of Countryside) and DP15 (New Homes in the Countryside). As a result of this Policy EG5 can only be afforded limited weight in the assessment and determination of planning proposals.

The planning applications noted above are scheduled for consideration by Planning Committee A next week and are affected by the conformity issue referred to above and I wanted to ensure you are aware of this matter. If you wish to discuss this please don’t hesitate to contact Nick Rogers (tel: 01444 477341) or Lois Partridge (tel: 01444 477063).

Just for your information we are reviewing all made Neighbourhood Plans to assess their conformity with the District Plan and will be contacting affected Parish and Town Councils in the near future.

In the meantime in the light of the meeting next week I will be writing to the Clerk of East Grinstead Town Council out of courtesy to draw her attention to this matter ahead of the Planning Committee meeting and to offer her an opportunity to talk to officers if required.”