Street Lighting
Report a faulty street light, illuminated sign or bollard
Enerveo maintains the street columns owned by West Sussex County Council along with the 260 owned by the East Grinstead Town Council.
Phone Enerveo direct on: 0800 048 2435 for emergencies or dangerous defects.
To report a fault click here.
When you report a fault, it helps if you can:
- Provide the identification number on the post if one is available
- Say whether it is a street light, sign or bollard you are reporting
- Provide the number of the nearest house or another form of landmark.
Report faulty lighting in the car parks
Mid Sussex District Council maintain the lighting in the attached car parks.
- King Centre
- Mt Noddy
- Chequer Mead
- Christopher Road
- King Street
- Norton House
- Queensway
- Railway Approach
- The Vicarage
To report a fault click here.