
The Council has two grants – Community Revenue Grant, which is determined for allocation in the September of each year, and Youth Sport Grant, which is considered in December of each year. Please note the closing dates, as advertised on the forms, are absolute.

Community Revenue Grant

East Grinstead Town Council welcomes and values the work of local voluntary groups and organisations in the Town and sets aside a small amount within the revenue budget to pump-prime specific initiatives. The grants are only payable to bona-fide organisations. Applications from individuals cannot be considered.

Applications for a grant are considered once annually at the September meeting of the Finance & General Purposes Committee and recommendations of that Committee are subject to formal ratification at the October Council meeting. All applicants will be advised of the Council’s decision by no later than 14th October in any year.

Any youth organisations requesting a grant must be affiliated to West Sussex County Councils Youth and Community Service. Individual applications from Scout and Guide groups, playgroups and other organisations with a parent body will not normally be considered due to the volume of applications received and the limited funds available. In such cases applications will only be considered when made by the District Association, West Sussex Pre-School Learning Alliance or other parent body, as appropriate. This will ensure that those with detailed knowledge of specific local needs and requirements undertake the initial prioritisation of such applications.

Youth Sport Grant

In 2006 East Grinstead Town Council determined as policy that the Council would establish a Youth Sports Revenue Grants fund to encourage participation in sport for young people. The fund is intended to facilitate new initiatives in youth sport within East Grinstead civil parish and which have a primary focus of serving and benefiting local East Grinstead residents and seeking to improve the health of those participating.

The Sidney Betchley Charity, Henry Smith’s Charity and John Smith’s Trust

A legacy left by a 16th-century salt merchant and philanthropist is still benefitting East Grinstead residents who find themselves in need at Christmas time. On his death in 1628 Henry Smith left £2000 for the purchase of land that would yield an annual income to help the poor, with which his trustees bought land in Kensington and Westminster.

The Henry Smith Charity’s capital endowment now consists of a substantial portfolio of stock market investments, property and investments in Hedge Funds, Private Equity and Venture Capital. Its grant making, which totals many millions of pounds each year, addresses a wide range of causes and extends throughout the whole of the UK.

Please see details of how to apply in 2024 here.