Graffiti and Fly Posting
In partnership with West Sussex County Council (WSCC) the East Grinstead Town Council (EGTC) is committed to removing fly posting and graffiti from WSCC and EGTC property within 5 working days. Overseeing the removal of graffiti from, for example, public property, monuments, lamp posts, street signs, benches and bins.

Fly posting
Fly-posters usually advertise events with posters, stickers or bills that are put up without the permission of the property owner. Fly-posting is a criminal offence.
Graffiti is anything that is written, sprayed or painted on public or private property. It’s illegal to do this without permission. If there is graffiti in public places, our outdoor services team will come and remove or paint over it.
Offensive/Racist Graffiti
We aim to remove any offensive, racist or other hate related graffiti within 1 working day of it being reported to the council. Where possible we will also remove any offensive graffiti reported on private property.
Other Graffiti
Mid Sussex District Council (MSDC) are responsible for the removal of graffiti from MSDC property which includes, for example, public car parks, parks and open spaces. All residents and businesses are encouraged to clean graffiti from their own property as soon as possible.