
This committee meets every three weeks and is the part of Mid Sussex District Council’s formal consultation process for making planning decisions. The Town Council do not make decisions but send in recommendations to the District Council who take these in to account when a decision is made.

The Councillors have had training to help them determine what is a “material consideration” when considering a planning application and are able to make comments as to whether an application meets the criteria of local or national policies.

As an example simply because a change to or introduction of a building spoils a view, this is not necessarily reasons in planning law to refuse an application. Changes that are out of character with a street scene or un-neighbourly may however be refused.

Agendas, minutes and reports for meetings of the Planning committee can be found below. Note that archived documents from previous years can be found in the archive.

Planning Committee: The public must always make direct representation to the District Council who are the planning authority.   The Town Council standing orders do allow for 2 representations maximum to be made at the planning committee both for and/ or against an application (maximum 4 speakers per application).  Those wishing to speak must register at the start of the meeting and a form will be available to register strictly on a first come basis.  Anyone wishing to speak is advised to read the standing orders that relate to public speaking (a copy will be available at the meeting and are on the Council website).  There is a time limit, there is no right of comeback and excessive questions will be curtailed by the Chair. Written representations that you wish to have considered by the Town Council must be received by the Town Clerk before noon on the day of the meeting.

Once public question time ends the public may only observe the committees work, they are not allowed to ask or offer additional information.

Agendas and reports

Agenda & list - 3rd February 2025
Agenda & list - 6th January 2025


Minutes - 3rd February 2025
Minutes - 6th January 2025


Recordings of virtual meetings can be found on our YouTube channel.


To browse agendas, minutes and reports from previous years, please select a year and click Submit.