About Council meetings
The Town Council is grateful for public interest in the workings of the Council and the various Committees.
All meetings are set in December for the following civic year. These are published in The Line and on the Town Council notice boards as well as the Town Council website – see right.
The agenda for the meetings is also posted on the Town Council notice boards and website approximately a week before the meeting. The council no longer provides paper copies of the agenda at meetings.
Public questions
All committee meetings start with 15 minutes of time allocated to public questions. This allows questions concerning the committee to be asked. If possible, they will be answered straight away but it may be necessary to respond at a later date. Questions must be notified in writing to the Town Clerk 24 hours in advance of the meeting, including reference to the agenda item the question relates to. Councillors are not permitted to discuss matters on the agenda or give an indication as to how they intend to vote on a matter on the agenda, during the public question section
Planning Committee: The public must always make direct representation to the District Council who are the planning authority. Anyone wishing to speak is advised to read section 3 of the Standing Orders which relates to public speaking.
Once public question time ends the public may only observe the committee’s work, they are not allowed to ask or offer any additional information.
- All full Committee and Council meetings are open to the public who may sit in the public gallery.
- Meetings commence at 7pm (unless indicated otherwise on the agenda)
- All Council and Committee meetings provide a maximum period of 15 minutes for public questions, commencing at 7pm
- Council and Committee meetings are held at East Court Mansion
It should be borne in mind that whilst minutes will generally be posted within four weeks of the meeting they remain as draft unadopted minutes until they are ratified at the following meeting of Council or Committee as appropriate.
Filming of Council meetings
Filming of Council meetings is permitted provided the person abides by the approved protocol. Please make the Town Clerk aware prior to a meeting if you wish to film so that all attendees can be made aware.
Meeting logistics
The Council hold face to face meetings concurrently with a Zoom meeting. Members of the public can join via Zoom and ask a question during public questions which must be submitted in writing to the Town Clerk 24 hours in advance of the meeting. To join remotely, please contact the Town Clerk by email at towncouncil@eastgrinstead.gov.uk before 12 noon on the date of the meeting.