West Sussex County Council
West Sussex County Council is responsible for the management, maintenance and improvement of the highways which includes the roads, pavements, verges, road signs and street lighting.
Love West Sussex makes it easier to report faults and community concerns; potholes, overgrown, trees and vegetation, road flooding, damaged pavements, weeds.
Help keep our roads safe, if West Sussex County Council doesn’t know about it, they won’t know it needs to be repaired.
Services provided by WSCC:
- Births, Marriages & Deaths
- Bus & Coach Travel
- Bus Stop Electronic Information (Real Time)
- Education, Family & Children
- Fire, Emergencies & Crime
- Leisure, recreation and community
- Land, Waste & Housing
- Libraries
- Recycling Site
- Report an unauthorised Gypsy or Traveller Site
- Roads & Travel
- Skip Permits
- Social Care
- Street Lighting
- Walking Horse Riding & Cycling